
Through the generosity of concerned people like you, NDE has been able to keep its mission alive since 1983. With a minimal staff and volunteers, we continue our work on a shoestring budget. Please consider supporting our efforts with your tax-deductible contribution. Continuing contributors, Friend of the Desert donors, help sustain the basic operating needs of NDE and free up staff resources for program work instead of fundraising by pledging regular monthly, quarterly, or yearly donations. Together let us continue to work so that future generations can live without the threat of nuclear weapons and live in peace and security.

You can Donate to NDE through Paypal with your credit card, debit card or an electronic check. You do not have to have a Paypal account to make a donation. Simply type in an amount in the space on the right and click on PayPal Donate for a single contribution or fill out the amount and number of months if you would like to support NDE as a continuing contributor, a Friend of the Desert, and click PayPal Subscribe. You might also be interested in receiving merchandise from NDE to help publicize the cause of nuclear abolition, the end of drone warfare, or other NDE programs.

Nevada Desert Experience is a 501c(3) non-profit organization, so your donations are tax-deductible, unless your donation is tied into receiving items from our merchandise webpage. If you need a receipt for your tax records, please let us know. We are happy to provide receipts for your donations upon request.


Give a one-time donation or a recurring donation as a Friend of the Desert with PayPal, and credit or debit cards:

Send a check to:
Nevada Desert Experience
1420 West Bartlett Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89106-2226, USA