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- PeaceCamp Tradition: 25 Years Later-

PeaceCamp 2012 Reunion Pictures

6-9 April 2012

The Lenten Desert Experience began in the early spring of 1982 to honor St. Francis of Asissi's love of nature, peacefulness, and opposition to governmental violence. The primarily Christian prayer-activists came to the test site for the six weeks from Ash Wednesday leading to Easter 1982 as a peaceful witness against nuclear weapons testing in Newe Sogobia. Soon this Nevada Desert Experience became a movement in the region near Las Vegas, NV to carry on the peaceful witness against nuclear destruction of the air, water, soil and earthlings, and against the spiritual sickness of mega-violence in the history of the world.

In 1986 Art Casey and a few others began camping out across the highway from the nuclear testing grounds of Nevada. The Peace Camp phenomenon was born in Newe Sogobia, a kind of nascent Guardianship project*** for Southern Nevadans to begin embracing for the rest of eternity. That first manifestation of the anti-nuclear Peace Camp continued nonstop for about two years, then subsequently reappeared habitually at the time of nuclear abolitionist events across the highway at the entrance to the Nevada National Security Site.

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