of The Nuclear Age and Nuclear Abolition
Early 21st
National Atomic Testing History Institute joined with Desert
Research Institute to form a new nuclear weapons history
museum. In 2010 the U.S. premier testing ground was renamed
the Nevada National Secuity Site. President George W. Bush
had presided over the first eight years of the new millenium's
war-mongering and lie-repackaging, so President Barack Obama
continues the task as the NTS faced it's repurposing as
a multi-faceted arm of the empire's efforts to continue
complete domination of the planet. In 2005 Indian Springs
Air Force Auxillary Field was renamed Creech AFB. In 2006
Creech became the host of training Predator and Reaper "drone"
warfare aircraft pilots, and soon began helping pilots conduct
bombing raids and killing missions in other countries from
remote-controlled units at Creech. See the Poison
Fire animation of U.S. nuclear history.
2009: NDE and Voices for Creative
Nonviolence co-organize a week-long vigil at Creech Air
Force Base.
2008: NDE begins focusing vigil and
protest activity on Creech
Air Force Base.
2007: The Pacific
Life Community comes back to life with annual retreats,
starting @ Indian Springs, Nevada and at the NNSS.
2005: Pax
Christi USA joins with NDE to hold a 60th anniversary
of the Bomb commemoration retreat, "Many Stories,
One Vision for a Nuclear Free World."
2002: The Family Spirit Walk for
Mother Earth from Los Alamos to the NNSS.
On January 27th the NNSS celebrates its 50th anniversary,
decried by the Governor of Utah as a phenomenon which
poisoned Utahns, this "Family Day" at the NNSS
is attended by thousands of celebratory participants,
and protested by a dozen peace activists, holding an enormous
banner listing all the names of all the U.S. nuclear bomb
tests, including the recent subcritical explosion tests.
In March, Bruce Gagnon (Global
Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space)
speaks at an NDE event. The Western Shoshone begin an
annual Relay-Run for Newe Sogobia around the NNSS.
2000: NDE produces a short
movie to showcase NDE's work for nuclear abolition,
and the history of the nuclear age.
2000: At midnight on January 1st
(the apex of "Millennium
2000" ) 313 people cross the line at the NTS
to signify support for Shoshone sovereignty and nuclear
President Reagan had energized and symbolized a new internalization
of image-consciousness within the realm of nuclearism, President
Clinton continued to job of being pretty and appeasing the
people wanting to enhance our nuclear capabilities. In 1996
the President allowed Stockpile and Stewardship Management
(S&M) to proceed, leading to the series of subcritical
explosions at the testing site in Nevada. The U.S. nuclear
weapons and nulcear energy programs began their repackaging/rebranding
to complete the Orwellian task of proving that lies are
truths when you repeat them enough. The DOE formed a subgroup
to further delineate programs of energy and programs of
weaponry, so the U.S. agency now controlling the NTS is
called the National Nuclear Security Administration or NNSA.
1999: Chris Montesano's inspires
NDE to organize a New Year's Eve celebration of peace
and prayers for the end of the nuclear age. Called "Millennium
2000" the
event is attended by 525 people. Thorn
Coyle created a labyrinth for the event.
1998: Healing
Global Wounds organizes a Mothers' Day Weekend gathering,
including Starhawk. Episcopal Peace Fellowship hosts "Nuclear
Gambling: Who Wins?" with Peter Ediger and Janet
1997: Stockpile Stewardship brings
about the "Rebound" subcritical nuclear test,
and nuclear abolition peace activities resume full-force
with an Easter-weekend gathering at the NTS following
NDE's 4th annual Holy Week Peace Walk. After Easter, on
April 3rd, Shundahai Network shut down US95 for five hours
to stop employees from getting to work at the NTS.
1996: Genevieve Vaughn commissions
the Goddess Temple
of Sekhmet and deeds the land to the Shoshone National
1995: NDE holds it's 10th anniversary
of the August Desert Witness.
1994: In the spirit of prior peace
walks, NDE and the Atomic Veterans organize a Holy Week
Peace Walk from Las Vegas to the NTS, under the guidance
of Brother David Buer.
1992: NDE hosts a Franciscan
event with dozens of Friars getting arrested. Cross-National
peace walks converge at the NTS, organized by Europeans
as well as Americans. The Shundahai Network is formed,
starting in Washington D.C. under the guidance of Western
Shoshone Spiritual Leader Corbin Harney. (Four years later
it will move its headquarters to Las Vegas.) Healing Global
Wounds begins an annual autumn event to commemorate Indigenous
People's Day (formerly called Columbus Day).
Dom Helder Camara comes to celebrate the 10th
LDE and makes his statement, "This is the
scene of the greatest violence on Earth. It should be
the place of the greatest greatest acts of nonviolence
on the Earth." NDE's archives
have more info. APT and Veterans
for Peace organized the Veterans Day Witness weekend
in November.
1990: Citizen Call (Utah downwinders
group) holds memorial service @ NTS for civilian victims
of nuclear testing.
Hollywood actor who held minor fame in the beginning of
the Cold War grew to global fame as the U.S. President elected
in 1980. President Ronald Reagan would help bring about
an end to the Cold War by heightening it so greatly that
it galvanized the world into stopping it. Reagan changed
social programs to brutally magnifed social inequities while
pleasing the upper classes with benefits and perks. Reagan's
clean-cut facade was emblematic of U.S. Americans love for
nuclear weapons at this apex of the Cold War. The mask of
sweetness and simplicity covering greed and savage brutal
foreign policy was perfect for people wanting to pretend
that the U.S. is filled with goodness, but the U.S. population
had recently experienced the violent effects of our wars
upon our military personnel and society back at home, so
many people couldn't simply internalize the bold-face lies
that easily. Therefore in May of 1981 about 1,000,000 people
marched for nuclear abolition in New York City. That kind
of spontaneous people-power was a major wake-up call. While
Reagan's cowboy mentality of rugged individualism and roughshod
nuclear bullying appealed to many who just wanted to escape
harsh empirical realities, it disgusted and terrified a
generation of folks alert enough to the real responsibilities
of living in the empire and not wanting to be guilty
of such mega-violence, or at least recognized the way the
U.S. image reflected on the population.
1989: During the Lenten Desert Experience
and Easter, 687 people are arrested, including 13 who
had hiked into Mercury and were arrested there. On September
24th, NDE & APT hold an encirclement of the DOE building
in Las Vegas to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the
Soviet Union's nuclear testing program.
1988: A permanent Peace Camp is established by
Art Casey and others (lasting two years). See the PeaceCamp
History Blog . For March 8-16 about 8,000 people
joined the Reclaim the Test Site event. 2,000 were arrested
at that huge event organized by APT. In the Autumn the
Jewish Peace Fellowship, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, FOR,
and NDE hold a Gandhi Celebration. 84 were arrested on
October 2nd.
1987: APT, Loretto, WILPF & NDE
organized the first Mothers Day Action with over 3,000
participants, and 759 were arrested on May 10th.
1986: Western Shoshone begin issuing
permits to non-Shoshone folks (demonstrators) to support
the actions for nuclear abolition. Ramsey Clark testifies
in Nye County court for the 149 activists on trial. The
Great Peace March walks to the NTS.
1985: The first August Desert Witness is created
to commemorate Hiroshima & Nagasaki Days, and NDE
kept an RV parked across US 95 for a year, the nascent
Peace Camp. American Peace Test (APT) begins as an offshoot
from FREEZE.
1984: Buddhists and Franciscans create specific
NDE events via their unique spiritual paths. One NDE line-crossing
includes an exorcism of the demons while a stealth bomber
crashes at the NTS.
1983: The second LDE leads immediately
to the formation of Nevada Desert Experience (NDE). On
April 21st Greenpeace sent seven people on the first backcountry
action to Yucca Flats.
1982: The first LDE from Ash Wednesday
to Good Friday.
1981: Fr. Louis Vitale, Duncan McMurdy,
Mike Affleck, Anne Symens-Bucher, Sr. Rosemary Lynch and
others organized for a bold step for early 1982--a Lenten
Desert Experience (LDE) of a six-week vigil at the nuclear
testing grounds of Nevada.
called the Nevada Proving Ground, it was now called the
Nevada Test Site (NTS). At this time the NTS was operated
by the DOE. The AEC reorganized itself in the early 1970s
as ERDA, while creating the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) to separate the functions of nuclearism, then quickly
recreated ERDA into the Department of Energy (DOE).
1978: The Sagebrush Alliance demonstrates
for peace at the NTS and in Vegas.
1977: Japanese demonstrators come
out to protest the ongoing nuclearism of Nevada's testing
1963 the U.S. enters the Partial Test Ban Treaty, driving
all nuclear explosions underground, forbidding oceanic and
atmospheric explosions. This kind of governmental action
is inspired by popular social movements, including the activism
against nuclearism.
1963: Demonstrators come to Mercury
to protest the mega-violence.
1946 Atomic Energy Act is ammended in 1954 to ensure the
U.S. governement has complete control over nuclear materials.
In 1951 the AEC opens up the Nevada Proving Ground to conduct
obove-grouind nuclear bomb explosions.
On July 16th 1952 the order came to reopen the Indian Springs
Base, under
the command of New Mexico's Kirtland Air Force Base, to
support the new nuclear bomb testing program beginning a
few miles away in Nye County.
1958: Ammon Hennacy fasts for 13 days and the
Hydrogen bomb failed to detonate.
1957: Ammon Hennacy fasts for 12 days because
it's been 12 years since Trinity, Fat Man and Little Boy.
From the Catholic Worker Movement, Ammon would later start
a House of Hospitality for homeless men in Salt Lake City,
and continue praying, fasting, vigilling and agitating
against WMDs and the death penalty throughout the Southwest.
1956: Quakers come out to pray in the Desert against
nuclear weapons.
20th Century
1942 the Manhattan Project was created as a secret program
to create the world's first three nuclear bombs. In 1943
the Manhattan Project's headquarters were established in
Los Alamos, New Mexico. After the 1945 nuclear bomb detonations
in New Mexico and Japan, the U.S. began testing in the Pacific
Ocean, and sought a continental U.S. site for continuing
explosive testing. The Atomic
Energy Act of 1946
created the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to govern nuclear
weapons and nuclear power as a civillian agency rather
than a military agency. In 1948 the U.S. Government forced
less than 100 Shoshones to leave the region, expanding the
Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range which would soon include
a Nevada Proving Ground for nuclear weapons testing. The
Indian Springs Auxiliary Army Airfield had been built in
Clark County as part of the WWII infrastructure, then shut
down in 1947 along with the Las Vegas Air Base.
Century Warrior & Pacifist History
in and out of the USA have disciplined themselves in the
arts of war and nonviolence for many centuries. Most wars
prior to the 20th Century included the standard primary
methods of soldiers using technological gadgets to kill
soldiers of the other team. Pacifists and other practicioners
of nonviolence were disgusted by this mutual consent of
offering young lives up for governmental violence. The standards
of war were about to change Within the next century pacifism
would become more popular because the standard practices
of higher technological warfare would allow soldiers to
kill higher rates of civillians and lower rates of the other
team's soldiers. Meanwhile, in this Great Basin Desert,
the Paiutes, Shoshone and European immigrants lived and
travelled throughout Southern Nevada. The Western Shoshone
were a nomadic people who made a treaty with the U.S. governement
in 1863 of "peace and friendship" to allow the U.S. access
to the territory, without the foresight of weapons of mass
destruction. Shoshone (a.k.a. "Newe") activists of the past
70 years have pointed out that their land--the "people's
earth mother" or "Newe Sogobia"--is desecrated and damaged
by U.S. wmd activities, and a grave environmental injustice
continues here.