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TRANSFORM NOW! Sr. Megan, Michael, Greg: NDE Stands In Solidarity With You.
NDE Signed-On and YOU CAN TOO Sign-On to the letter to the TNP-Court-Case Judge

Most of the items on this page are being moved to the 2014 Y-12 webpage

Michael Walli (Inmate #4444), Sr. Megan (Inmate #22100) & Gregory Boertje-Obed (Inmate #22090)

In July, 2012 three pacifist elders attempted to disarm the nuclear systems of Tennessee. In the process, they disarmed themselves and exposed the naked agression of the Empire. One of the three (Sr. Megan Rice) is a former employee of NDE. Another of the three (Mike Walli) is a former resident of our Sts. Francis Y Clare offices in Las Vegas.

"Transform Now Plowshares" (TNP) is the name of their group. You can stay updated with this issue via the TNP website.


You can find out how to contact the TNP activists via their webpage, which also has information on how to advocate for their swift release--if you can write to the Judge prior to January 20th, which is prior to their sentencing on January 28th.

Thank you, dear Sister Megan, Mike & Greg!

Mailing Addresse to Write the Transform Now 3

On the first line of the address, use the recipient's name and inmate number:
Megan Rice 22100
Gregory Boertje-Obed 22090
Michael Walli 4444

This is the rest of the address to include:
Irwin County Detention Center
132 Cotton Drive
Ocilla GA  31774

You must make sure to include your entire return address on the outside of the envelope. No staples or paperclips can be included in your mail; no oversized envelopes. Magazines and books must be sent directly from the publisher or bookstore/Amazon. Photocopies of brief articles are likely to be permitted (based on our past experience). If you include inappropriate material or fail to comply with these rules, your mail will not get through—it will be returned to you.

Recent Coverage

Sr. Megan was featured in December in an Al Jazeera article

WA Post Interview with Sr. Megan
CNN Story & Videos
story featuring Sr. Megan
Oak Ridge Today coverage of Sr. Megan
Google News search for Sr. Megan,

Sr. Megan & Transform Now 3 Absurdly Found Guilty of "Violent" Trespass - by Jim Haber's

Donate to the Transform Now 3 defense fund.

For most recent information and contact info for this and other people being tried or incarcerated for acts of anti-war/anti-nuclear civil resistance actions, visit and support the Nuclear Resister.

Y-12 - Transform Now Plowshares Activists - defendants found guilty, jailed until sentencing hearing on January 28, 2014.

Transform Now Plowshares

Detailed history of the action:
The Prophets of Oak Ridge

Video of Supporters - May 6
Video of Sr. Megan - May 7

At Pre-Trial Hearings Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark says the threat of the use of nuclear weapons is omnipresent - read an account of his testimony

Local TV News coverage

One charge dismissed, 2 remain

Sign Petition to the US Attorney General: "Don't impose death sentence on 82-year-old nun and peacemaker"

Petition to halt Y-12 activity and not prosecute activists

Action Flyer

Older Coverage:
Megan Rice, SHCJ arrested in Transform Now Plowshares Action at Y-12 Weapons Complex | Nuclear Operations Halted | NY Times article | NBCNews article
| Indictment | Fired Y-12 Guard

For information on how to write to Sr. Megan, Greg, or Michael or the Judge, please see the OREPA site.
To keep up to date on the Transform Now 3 also see their blog.

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